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2 Pi's and the 20 watt resistor
06:54:54 08/01/02
Thanks Wayne & Capt Ron <nt>
13:59:15 08/01/02
Re: 2 Pi's and the 20 watt resistor
- spkrman57
08:14:38 08/01/02
Re: 2 Pi's and the 20 watt resistor
Wayne Parham
12:33:26 08/01/02
Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
Wayne Parham
21:58:35 07/31/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
- Farb Sklarb
17:59:19 08/04/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
Wayne Parham
18:46:21 08/04/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
- Farb Sklarb
11:09:38 08/05/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
Wayne Parham
18:40:27 08/05/02
Coax point source drivers??
- Robert Hamel
21:35:22 08/01/02
Re: Coax point source drivers??
06:23:15 08/03/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
04:30:38 08/01/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
07:06:36 08/01/02
Could this 'window' be specified, please?
02:35:43 08/03/02
Re: Could this 'window' be specified, please?
06:21:28 08/03/02
Re: Could this 'window' be specified, please?
12:43:03 08/03/02
Re: Could this 'window' be specified, please?
Tom Brennan
14:17:01 08/03/02
Re: Could this 'window' be specified, please?
01:58:43 08/04/02
Re: Could this 'window' be specified, please?
06:17:57 08/03/02
Phase and "time alignment" revisited
Wayne Parham
05:20:05 08/03/02
Re: Phase and "time alignment" revisited
12:46:30 08/03/02
Re: Phase, delays and offset baffle spacing
Wayne Parham
12:40:35 08/01/02
on the subject...
13:19:56 08/01/02
on the subject...
Wayne Parham
14:50:02 08/01/02
Re: on the subject...
15:40:13 08/01/02
Pi Studio 2 WOW!!!
14:42:51 07/31/02
Re: Im confused?
- Jerry Parker
07:35:36 08/02/02
Re: Im confused?
- spkrman57
09:20:03 08/02/02
Re: Pi Studio 2 WOW!!!
04:27:48 08/01/02
Active crossover for 4Pi with 2235 Pi sub
- Luxmanlover
11:06:33 07/31/02
Re: Active crossover for 4Pi with 2235 Pi sub
19:08:42 07/31/02
I have a....
- Luxmanlover
20:29:42 07/31/02
2235 subs
Wayne Parham
00:38:51 08/01/02
Re: 2235 subs
11:06:36 08/01/02
2245 subs
Wayne Parham
14:59:21 08/01/02
Need Math help
- spkrman57
07:33:53 07/31/02
Re: Need Math help
Wayne Parham
00:18:04 08/01/02
Re: Need Math help and clarification of attenuation values
- spkrman57
06:20:56 08/01/02
Clarification of attenuation values
Wayne Parham
12:48:20 08/01/02
I took my own advice and got a new router. Oh Yeah!
Till E.
13:05:57 07/30/02
Thems fightin words!!!!!!
- Luxmanlover
15:44:07 07/30/02
I have.........
Till E.
16:03:57 07/30/02
So whats....
- Luxmanlover
16:16:45 07/30/02
Re: I before E except after C..ok now repeat.
- Luxmanlover
15:46:27 07/30/02
More on Canadian JBL pricing
- Luxmanlover
16:14:02 07/29/02
Re: More on Canadian JBL pricing
Don M
09:35:17 07/30/02
Canadian JBL pricing
- Luxmanlover
11:43:01 07/30/02
Subjective Performance?
- Farb Sklarb
15:01:16 07/29/02
As the Elder Statesman of the group, it 'hooves me on this 'spicious 'casion..
Till E.
19:06:48 07/29/02
Re: As the Elder Statesman of the group, it 'hooves me on this 'spicious 'casion..
- Tomwh
15:55:36 07/30/02
Tom Waits For No Man
Till E.
16:11:15 07/30/02
Re: As the Elder Statesman of the group, it 'hooves me on this 'spicious 'casion..
- Farb Sklarb
12:06:23 07/30/02
Q&A for Elder Statesman
21:46:43 07/29/02
You shouldn't post under your real name! (nt)
- Luxmanlover
16:17:08 07/29/02
fibreglass insulation oops
08:18:18 07/29/02
the 50mm thickness
- Sam P.
09:27:48 07/29/02
Re: Thanx, That's what I thought too, I'll give it a try
08:00:44 07/30/02
fibreglass insulation
08:03:45 07/29/02
Cerwin Vega PS-15 drivers....
04:29:10 07/29/02
Wayne, recommendation please...
11:18:19 07/28/02
Long lost brother.
- Rider
04:34:35 07/29/02
Re: Long lost brother.
Wayne Parham
01:28:27 07/31/02
Re: Long lost brother.
15:52:48 07/29/02
Wayne Parham
14:49:52 07/28/02
Re: Options
15:49:00 07/29/02
Re: Options
- D Kurfman
15:09:39 07/29/02
Re: Options
Wayne Parham
17:05:58 07/29/02
By-passing Caps: What Did I Do? Wayne?
10:57:33 07/28/02
Stop the presses....
18:52:02 07/28/02
Capacitor internal resistance - bypass
Wayne Parham
23:47:27 07/28/02
Re: Capacitor internal resistance - bypass
04:38:36 07/29/02
Re: Capacitor internal resistance - bypass
Wayne Parham
12:41:49 07/29/02
Compensation networks
Wayne Parham
15:12:33 07/28/02
Re: Compensation networks
15:56:45 07/28/02
Re: Compensation networks
Wayne Parham
23:56:13 07/28/02
06:35:05 07/29/02
replacing mid range speaker
- Kenclu
07:01:13 07/27/02
Re: replacing mid range speaker
Wayne Parham
14:16:59 07/27/02
Box size question.
- Luxmanlover
16:15:57 07/26/02
Box size answer
Wayne Parham
16:38:36 07/26/02
- Luxmanlover
18:25:43 07/26/02
Oh my god!!!!!
- Luxmanlover
18:29:57 07/26/02
Re: Oh my god!!!!!
Wayne Parham
02:06:39 07/27/02
Then 2.5 it is.....
- Luxmanlover
06:33:48 07/27/02
Re: Then 2.5 it is.....
Wayne Parham
14:11:42 07/27/02
I think...
- Luxmanlover
15:43:51 07/27/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
16:06:56 07/27/02
Anyone need a JBL 4648A-8 or some 2226J woofers, contact me off list
13:18:03 07/26/02
JBL 2226's for sale!
Wayne Parham
14:46:36 07/26/02
kilomax 18 making noise
21:00:08 07/25/02
Re: kilomax 18 making noise
11:07:55 07/26/02
Re: kilomax 18 making noise
Wayne Parham
21:08:41 07/25/02
Re: kilomax 18 making noise
21:17:21 07/25/02
Re: kilomax 18 making noise
- Luxmanlover
23:15:30 07/25/02
Re: kilomax 18 making noise
21:53:11 07/25/02
altec gear in a pi box??
20:08:38 07/25/02
Re: altec gear in a pi box??
16:58:03 07/26/02
Re: altec gear in a pi box??
Wayne Parham
01:57:37 07/27/02
Re: altec gear in a pi box??
09:01:14 07/26/02
Re: altec gear in a pi box?? 825 cabinet
Tom Brennan
21:22:08 07/26/02
Re: altec gear in a pi box??
Wayne Parham
13:52:13 07/26/02
the 500Hz. xover "myth"
- Sam P.
06:19:22 07/26/02
Re: the 500Hz. xover "myth"
Tom Brennan
08:11:59 07/26/02
Tommy, I based my remarks upon Altec's
- Sam P.
09:32:40 07/26/02
π speakers with Altec parts
Wayne Parham
20:45:19 07/25/02
impression on theater 4pi
19:44:06 07/25/02
Re: impression on theater 4pi
Wayne Parham
21:00:31 07/25/02
Re: impression on theater 4pi
21:12:22 07/25/02
Re: impression on theater 4pi
Wayne Parham
21:25:09 07/25/02
Reverse Horn ?
- thylantyr
15:34:13 07/25/02
Re: Reverse Horn ?
15:48:54 07/25/02
Re: Reverse Horn ?
- thylantyr
20:40:44 07/25/02
Canadian JBL Pricing
- Luxmanlover
14:32:05 07/25/02
Re: Canadian JBL Pricing
- Wasteh202
18:42:35 07/25/02
Re: Canadian JBL Pricing
- Luxmanlover
19:01:37 07/25/02
Re: Canadian JBL Pricing
- Wasteh202
20:54:13 07/25/02
Good deal!
Wayne Parham
14:39:33 07/25/02
switching power supply used in amps
09:06:12 07/25/02
Re: switching power supply used in amps
- thylantyr
15:47:04 07/25/02
Re: switching power supply used in amps
Wayne Parham
18:03:36 07/25/02
Re: switching power supply used in amps
- thylantyr
20:32:45 07/25/02
TI text from 1978 shows you how to build one!
- Sam P.
12:16:58 07/31/02
Re: switching power supply used in amps
11:50:13 07/25/02
box stuffing and tuning freq. changes
- Sam P.
08:08:50 07/25/02
Pi speakers with ASL gear
00:00:58 07/25/02
Go for the 2 Pi's
06:11:02 07/25/02
Re: Pi speakers with ASL gear
Wayne Parham
03:39:28 07/25/02
Shameless Product Plug
- Luxmanlover
23:13:38 07/24/02
Re: Shameless Product Plug
- Rider
07:28:35 07/25/02
No 7Pi's
- Luxmanlover
08:18:46 07/25/02
set up is complete!
18:22:19 07/24/02
Re: set up is complete!
20:06:47 07/24/02
Re: set up is complete!
20:36:32 07/24/02
"Top-One-Percent" club
Wayne Parham
19:35:33 07/24/02
then there is cheap and vintage
- Sam P.
15:25:42 07/25/02
Wayne, a little help, please?
Till E.
07:58:25 07/24/02
Sounds right
Wayne Parham
14:50:31 07/24/02
Now that you mention it (P.S.)
Till E.
16:19:35 07/24/02
"I shall taunt you a second time"
Wayne Parham
16:35:50 07/24/02
One Pi with sub in one cabinet (ie: 3-way)
- spkrman57
07:53:08 07/24/02
Re: Some questions to Wayne about variations of this idea
Erik Johansson
13:55:02 07/29/02
Theater three π vs. four π
Wayne Parham
23:36:11 07/29/02
Re: Theater three π vs. four π
Erik Johansson
00:32:10 07/30/02
Re: Theater three π vs. four π
Erik Johansson
00:27:56 07/30/02
Theater three π, Theater four π and Thermionic four π
Wayne Parham
01:08:30 07/30/02
Re: One Pi with sub in one cabinet (ie: 3-way)
Wayne Parham
14:55:54 07/24/02
Re: One Pi with sub in one cabinet (ie: 3-way)
- spkrman57
09:03:50 07/26/02
Re: One Pi with sub in one cabinet (ie: 3-way)
Wayne Parham
14:07:54 07/26/02
Re: One Pi with sub in one cabinet (ie: 3-way)
- Chris R.
10:27:35 07/25/02
Wayne, my bass horn design...
11:46:04 07/23/02
Re: Wayne, my bass horn design...
- D Kurfman
08:53:51 07/26/02
Re: Wayne, my bass horn design...
18:54:27 07/25/02
Re: Wayne, my bass horn design...
Wayne Parham
21:17:23 07/25/02
Re: Wayne, my bass horn design...
18:08:43 07/24/02
Re: Wayne, my bass horn design...
12:35:18 07/25/02
Re: Wayne, my bass horn design...
- thylantyr
14:41:50 07/24/02
11:48:03 07/23/02
Big Horns!
Wayne Parham
14:19:29 07/23/02
LARGE, portable patio speakers, YEAH!
- Sam P.
15:36:56 07/23/02
Re: LARGE, portable patio speakers, YEAH!
Wayne Parham
16:08:00 07/23/02
Re: LARGE, portable patio speakers, YEAH!
16:32:02 07/23/02
Re: LARGE, portable patio speakers, YEAH!
Wayne Parham
17:07:47 07/23/02
16:45:56 07/23/02
Re: Here
- thylantyr
14:44:29 07/24/02
Wayne Parham
15:00:15 07/24/02
Wayne Parham
17:13:41 07/23/02
Re: Sweet!
17:32:12 07/23/02
Eminence Alpha 8 question! Urgent help needed!
Erik Johansson
02:01:24 07/23/02
The size of the cone had changed eairlier (change already on Eminence site). (nt)
Erik Johansson
02:06:52 07/23/02
Eminence specifications over the years
Wayne Parham
03:34:27 07/23/02
Re: Eminence specifications over the years
Erik Johansson
03:37:39 07/23/02
Ooops again! Not the Alpha 6, just the 8 and 8MR (nt)
Erik Johansson
03:44:33 07/23/02
Maybe they are rated in peak power
Wayne Parham
03:58:12 07/23/02
Re: Maybe they are rated in peak power
Erik Johansson
04:14:33 07/23/02
Re: Maybe they are rated in peak power
Wayne Parham
13:13:18 07/23/02
Theater 4 Pi plans!
20:01:55 07/22/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
22:45:06 07/22/02
1 pi port question...
15:39:05 07/22/02
1 pi port answer
Wayne Parham
23:01:09 07/22/02
Wayne Parham
03:41:27 07/22/02
Re: Cornerhorns!
- thylantyr
12:40:43 07/22/02
Re: Cornerhorns!
- Chris R.
17:31:28 07/22/02
Re: Cornerhorns!
18:55:46 07/22/02
Cornerhorns? hmmm
07:38:51 07/22/02
Acoustics and aesthetics
Wayne Parham
14:09:34 07/22/02
Assembled my 1 Pi cabinets yesterday
Erik Johansson
21:17:11 07/21/02
Interesting specs...
Erik Johansson
21:36:32 07/21/02
Re: Interesting specs...
Wayne Parham
00:46:30 07/22/02
Cabinet question...
Erik Johansson
01:35:10 07/22/02
Re: Interesting specs...
Erik Johansson
01:31:42 07/22/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
02:07:27 07/22/02
Got the plans! (And port placement question)
Erik Johansson
03:19:06 07/22/02
Port placement answer
Wayne Parham
03:50:15 07/22/02
Erik Johansson
04:01:40 07/22/02
Re: You've got mail!
Erik Johansson
02:16:09 07/22/02
A question of amplifiers
- Jerry Parker
20:49:09 07/21/02
Things and stuff
Wayne Parham
00:06:14 07/22/02
A wierd question
- Jerry Parker
20:09:37 07/21/02
Re: A wierd question
09:50:10 07/22/02
Wayne Parham
00:10:53 07/22/02
A little more low end please!
20:29:27 07/20/02
love the color(nt)
- Sam P.
15:38:07 07/23/02
Re: Thanks! Construction pictures and dimensions
21:36:10 07/21/02
21:06:17 07/21/02
Real nice! Next...
19:51:14 07/21/02
Re: A little more low end please!
- Bugman
15:49:25 07/21/02
Re: A little more low end please!
06:28:45 07/21/02
Re: grilless it is
21:46:18 07/21/02
Re: A little more low end please!
- Till E,
03:15:34 07/21/02
Wayne Parham
23:02:52 07/20/02
Re: A little more low end please!
Rex Mills
20:58:09 07/20/02
Re: A little more low end please!
21:26:50 07/20/02
Wayne sorry to spend your bandwith, but...even if Cyclops isn't for you....
Till E.
19:39:31 07/20/02
Re: Wayne sorry to spend your bandwith, but...even if Cyclops isn't for you....
20:31:57 07/20/02
Difference between reciever and shelf system =
- Jerry Parker
14:58:16 07/20/02
Differences between amplifiers
Wayne Parham
22:59:48 07/20/02
Horn loaded midbass?
- thylantyr
14:01:26 07/20/02
Re: Horn loaded midbass?
Wayne Parham
22:41:12 07/20/02
Anybody remember the "Cyclops" race car from Road&Track?
Till E.
20:17:24 07/19/02
Re: Anybody remember the "Cyclops" race car from Road&Track?
12:29:04 07/21/02
Re: Periscope on Single Driver Site
22:45:31 07/21/02
Tweeter "on a stick"
Wayne Parham
00:21:58 07/21/02
Re: Anybody remember the "Cyclops" race car from Road&Track?
steve f
08:17:49 07/20/02
I found the Automobili Cyclops website! With Pix!!!
Till E.
16:41:09 07/20/02
Re: I found the Automobili Cyclops website! With Pix!!!
steve f
18:50:47 07/20/02
Re: Anybody remember the "Cyclops" race car from Road&Track?
20:40:55 07/19/02
Passive Active Midrange Blah Blah ( long)
03:51:12 07/19/02
Re: Passive Active Midrange Blah Blah ( long)
- Sam P.
07:01:47 07/19/02
Re: Passive Active Midrange Blah Blah ( long)
13:27:28 07/19/02
many opamps are "self-centering"
- Sam P.
14:18:27 07/19/02
Is there a cover charge to get in? :)
15:36:07 07/19/02
Filter Q
Wayne Parham
09:13:22 07/19/02
to be fair...
10:46:15 07/19/02
oops, now I am on "the right page":)
- Sam P.
10:12:36 07/19/02
Brief review of 2 Pi's
18:13:40 07/18/02
Another- Brief review of 2 Pi's
- Matt Stocker
03:41:44 07/19/02
Pass the hat for Garland
Till E.
18:55:17 07/18/02
Not one but two in college and two more just getting out of diapers!!!
18:14:03 07/19/02
Sorry, I Meant Brief but Long...(nt)
18:16:42 07/18/02
wall lining in two Pis
14:28:30 07/18/02
Re: wall lining in two Pis
Wayne Parham
16:04:16 07/18/02
Just bought pre-cut MDF for my One Pi speakers!
Erik Johansson
12:24:18 07/18/02
Building the cabinets
Erik Johansson
14:39:55 07/18/02
Re: Building the cabinets
Till E.
16:00:16 07/18/02
Forgot the "real" question!
Erik Johansson
12:26:30 07/18/02
Port stuff
Wayne Parham
12:46:26 07/18/02
Re: Port stuff
Erik Johansson
12:50:26 07/18/02
Re: Port stuff
Wayne Parham
13:09:09 07/18/02
Sensitivity ratings for Delta 15 etc
08:40:41 07/18/02
Re: Sensitivity ratings for Delta 15 etc
Wayne Parham
12:35:30 07/18/02
3 and 4 way crossover
21:11:22 07/17/02
Re: 3 and 4 way crossover
Wayne Parham
22:38:14 07/17/02
Re: 3 and 4 way crossover
16:22:06 07/18/02
Re: 3 and 4 way crossover
Wayne Parham
01:28:08 07/19/02
Re: 3 and 4 way crossover
08:30:31 07/19/02
Porter-Cable belt sander races, YEAH!
Till E.
21:45:28 07/17/02
Re: and to think, the band was replaced with this!
21:58:15 07/17/02
Didja ever see Wayne run?
Till E.
19:59:46 07/17/02
Re: Didja ever see Wayne run?
21:32:50 07/17/02
Great Customer Service!
Patrick Kopson
21:12:37 07/17/02
Wayne Parham
20:38:47 07/17/02
Tube Amps
- Luxmanlover
16:31:41 07/17/02
Re: Tube Amps
Wayne Parham
16:51:54 07/17/02
Do Peavey CH 3 horns have a threaded or a 3 bolt mount?
14:09:22 07/17/02
Wayne Parham
14:33:09 07/17/02
What is Pialign?
- thylantyr
10:30:45 07/17/02
It's an alignment, and a program that recommends cabinets using that alignment
Wayne Parham
13:09:08 07/17/02
more questions
- thylantyr
14:40:05 07/17/02
more answers
Wayne Parham
15:40:21 07/17/02
I have a question, too!
Till E.
19:53:56 07/17/02
It's all related to beer
Wayne Parham
20:46:06 07/17/02
The shape of the bottle? Does a liter bottle of beer......
Till E.
21:07:12 07/17/02
Bigger bottle, shorter neck
Wayne Parham
23:07:40 07/17/02
which 3 sides do i insulate on my
10:16:13 07/17/02
Back, bottom and side nearest the port
Wayne Parham
13:10:23 07/17/02
Interesting discussion on Audiogon , Wayne, your thought?
- Lmasino
07:10:25 07/16/02
Re: Interesting discussion on Audiogon , Wayne, your thought?
15:45:40 07/16/02
Re: Interesting discussion on Audiogon , Wayne, your thought?
19:23:59 07/16/02
Re: Interesting discussion on Audiogon , Wayne, your thought?
07:31:02 07/17/02
Re: Interesting discussion on Audiogon , Wayne, your thought?
- thylantyr
14:56:38 07/17/02
Re: Interesting discussion on Audiogon , Wayne, your thought?
17:01:26 07/17/02
tales from the cript................. comedy
- thylantyr
01:35:16 07/18/02
A couple of thoughts
Wayne Parham
11:45:29 07/16/02
Wayne or anybody: L-pad values
16:34:17 07/15/02
Re: Wayne or anybody: L-pad values
18:13:13 07/15/02
Re: Wayne or anybody: L-pad values
19:38:57 07/15/02
Re: Wayne or anybody: L-pad values
Wayne Parham
23:28:31 07/15/02
Re: Wayne or anybody: L-pad values
07:04:36 07/16/02
T/S on the JBL 115H woofer
- Robert Hamel
16:16:26 07/15/02
Re: T/S on the JBL 115H woofer
- Chris R.
17:48:36 07/15/02
Thanks but the little one 4406 6 incher
- Robert Hamel
18:08:45 07/15/02
i wanna feel the bass!
13:17:50 07/15/02
Re: i wanna feel the bass!
Till E.
20:31:02 07/15/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
16:19:33 07/15/02
Re: You've got mail!
16:24:36 07/15/02
Re: You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
16:38:28 07/15/02
Re: You've got mail!
17:11:06 07/15/02
Re: You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
23:15:13 07/15/02
Re: You've got mail!
17:43:51 07/15/02
Re: how big is the box
18:21:45 07/15/02
Re: how big is the box
19:37:41 07/15/02
Re: how big is the box
- Jerry Parker
16:16:58 07/16/02
Re: how big is the box
19:57:03 07/15/02
Re: how big is the box
07:02:53 07/16/02
Re: i wanna feel the bass!
13:49:43 07/15/02
Any pi lovers in Australia?
02:10:19 07/15/02
Re: Any pi lovers in Australia?
Wayne Parham
02:55:29 07/15/02
box size for 2235
- slxrti
21:28:03 07/14/02
Re: box size for 2235
Wayne Parham
21:58:29 07/14/02
4 Pi - 18 plan
- johncrow
13:36:18 07/14/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
14:49:35 07/14/02
Small sub
- luxmanlover
13:35:08 07/14/02
PiAlign'ed 2235
Wayne Parham
15:22:42 07/14/02
- Luxmanlover
15:53:47 07/14/02
Re: Hmmmmm
Wayne Parham
16:23:39 07/14/02
Thx Wayne
- Luxmanlover
17:18:23 07/14/02
Extremely high output
12:58:28 07/14/02
Re: Extremely high output
Wayne Parham
15:26:40 07/14/02
1 Pi Plans
10:25:58 07/14/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
12:39:52 07/14/02
Building a pair of 2 Pi in solid pine?
Erik Johansson
06:13:59 07/14/02
Re: Building a pair of 2 Pi in solid pine?
01:34:05 07/15/02
Re: Building a pair of 2 Pi in solid pine?
Wayne Parham
12:43:13 07/14/02
Re: Building a pair of 2 Pi in solid pine?
Erik Johansson
13:42:52 07/14/02
Wayne Parham
15:38:56 07/14/02
Re: Tolerance
Erik Johansson
11:04:14 07/15/02
Re: Tolerance
Till E.
20:36:00 07/15/02
Re: Tolerance
Wayne Parham
11:56:07 07/15/02
Re: Tolerance
Erik Johansson
12:15:38 07/15/02
Hi Wayne: Mounting drivers
23:53:40 07/12/02
Pan screws
Wayne Parham
02:42:13 07/13/02
Wayne - Theater 4 Pi question
13:07:36 07/12/02
Theater 4 Pi answer
Wayne Parham
15:47:11 07/12/02
Re: Theater 4 Pi answer
07:15:26 07/13/02
Re: Theater 4 Pi answer
Wayne Parham
14:02:53 07/13/02
Thanks Wayne...
13:17:24 07/14/02
Can you send me some Pi symbols for my speakers
13:20:03 07/14/02
I'll send some today.
Wayne Parham
15:43:15 07/14/02
Re: I'll send some today.
Erik Johansson
15:00:30 07/15/02
Re: I'll send some today.
Wayne Parham
16:44:38 07/15/02
You got mail!
Erik Johansson
16:51:02 07/15/02
Re: Wayne - Theater 4 Pi question
15:46:39 07/12/02
Crown (and other) amp power ratings
- Chris R.
09:30:50 07/12/02
Re: Crown (and other) amp power ratings
10:16:06 07/12/02
Re: Crown (and other) amp power ratings
- fatkick
13:26:20 07/13/02
Veneering isn't so bad. Listen up!
Till E.
18:49:57 07/11/02
Re: Veneering isn't so bad. Listen up!
10:02:01 07/12/02
Re: Hide glue. Really, really long!
Till E.
21:00:38 07/12/02
Re: Hide glue. Really, really long!
07:39:01 07/13/02
Re: dont use the latex
19:17:36 07/13/02
Pros hate it, but....
Till E.
08:02:41 07/13/02
Re: Veneering isn't so bad. Listen up!
20:26:10 07/11/02
Re: You can do it !
10:19:48 07/12/02
Re: Veneering isn't so bad. Listen up!
Till E.
03:54:54 07/12/02
Re: horse hoove stew?
13:53:26 07/12/02
For corner horn lovers. Just a chuckle.
- Rider
14:15:50 07/11/02
Wayne Parham
17:30:35 07/11/02
Re: Smile..
- Rider
18:16:06 07/11/02
Amp clipping
00:39:36 07/11/02
Re: Amp clipping
Wayne Parham
11:52:37 07/11/02
Re: Amp clipping
12:10:08 07/11/02
Re: Amp clipping
Wayne Parham
17:26:29 07/11/02
4 PI Professional series.
- luxmanlover
20:42:39 07/10/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
21:35:50 07/10/02
THX Wayne!
- Luxmanlover
17:52:04 07/11/02
Hybrid 2 Pi for SACD multi-channel?
Till E.
15:13:27 07/10/02
Wayne, what is the Pro4 port spec? and...
Till E.
20:20:30 07/10/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
21:46:10 07/10/02
Re: Hybrid 2 Pi for SACD multi-channel?
19:53:28 07/10/02
Re: Hybrid 2 Pi for SACD multi-channel?
19:46:53 07/10/02
Piezo's vs. compression horns
Wayne Parham
15:53:32 07/10/02
Studio 1Pi plans
01:12:05 07/10/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
01:46:11 07/10/02
Studio 2Pi redo
02:05:59 07/10/02
Three π and six π
Wayne Parham
02:17:32 07/10/02
Re: Three π and six π
02:21:51 07/10/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
03:00:45 07/10/02
Thanks a lot !!!! (NT)
04:19:05 07/10/02
example of design forethought
- Sam P.
11:37:55 07/09/02
Wayne Parham
12:51:52 07/09/02
4 pi differences
- Dan K.
09:50:52 07/09/02
Re: 4 pi differences
Wayne Parham
12:47:55 07/09/02
Re: 4 pi differences
- Dan K.
15:42:58 07/09/02
theory meets "reality" in the living room
- Sam P.
08:34:34 07/09/02
Re: theory meets "reality" in the living room
15:08:08 07/09/02
Re: theory meets "reality" in the living room
09:42:17 07/09/02
best to "run the series"
- Sam P.
10:33:22 07/09/02
So I lit 'em up this weekend.
07:38:34 07/09/02
Re: So I lit 'em up this weekend.
14:32:48 07/09/02
Re: So I lit 'em up this weekend.
03:41:23 07/10/02
Re: So I lit 'em up this weekend.
Wayne Parham
12:54:23 07/09/02
You wear ear muffs to use more watts?
- Rider
10:00:26 07/09/02
Actually felt like I should have doubled up
12:19:56 07/09/02
doesn't everybody?
- Sam P.
10:48:14 07/09/02
Re: doesn't everybody?
- SteveBrown
11:55:10 07/09/02
last time I flew
- Sam P.
12:17:12 07/09/02
Omega Pro 18, Box Volume
19:41:34 07/08/02
Re: Omega Pro 18, Box Volume
Wayne Parham
22:01:08 07/08/02
Re: Omega Pro 18, Box Volume
19:57:51 07/09/02
Stage Series four π and four π-18
Wayne Parham
23:24:46 07/09/02
Time alignmet vrs reality
18:46:13 07/08/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
19:14:43 07/08/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
- Paul C.
20:50:49 07/08/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
20:56:49 07/08/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
Wayne Parham
21:35:16 07/08/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
- Paul C.
09:05:00 07/09/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
10:37:04 07/09/02
Re: Time alignment vs reality
- Paul C.
11:22:01 07/09/02
exactly, the subtle benefit is mainly
- Sam P.
10:10:56 07/09/02
Re: exactly, the subtle benefit is mainly
10:41:29 07/09/02
active or passive
10:54:26 07/08/02
Re: active or passive
Chris R
21:49:55 07/08/02
Re: active or passive
19:26:27 07/08/02
Re: active or passive
13:39:04 07/08/02
round vs. square horns...
- Sam P.
10:13:34 07/08/02
Re: round vs. square horns...
Wayne Parham
17:29:50 07/08/02
Which pi for newbie home stereo
17:33:35 07/07/02
Re: Which pi for newbie home stereo
Wayne Parham
18:27:30 07/07/02
Bassport for 1 Pi.
- Mattias S
19:13:27 07/06/02
Re: Bassport for 1 Pi.
Wayne Parham
23:51:26 07/06/02
Re: Bassport for 2 Pi?
Erik Johansson
11:58:30 07/07/02
Re: Bassport for 2 Pi?
Wayne Parham
13:12:34 07/07/02
Re: Bassport for 1 Pi.
- Mattias S
02:29:53 07/07/02
12:05:11 07/06/02
Re: Cabinetry
Wayne Parham
13:29:10 07/06/02
4PI or 10PI for JBL K130
02:01:45 07/06/02
Re: 4PI or 10PI for JBL K130
Wayne Parham
03:12:01 07/06/02
Re: 4PI or 10PI for JBL K130
03:31:19 07/06/02
You've got mail!
Wayne Parham
03:59:34 07/06/02
Resistor wattage and other questions......
15:21:14 07/05/02
as per Adam, you can de-rate
- Sam P.
19:19:37 07/05/02
Re: Resistor wattage and other questions......
15:46:29 07/05/02
That's it!
Wayne Parham
15:57:50 07/05/02
Re: That's it!
19:48:07 07/05/02
Re: That's it!
- Paul C.
21:23:05 07/06/02
1 More thing
- Paul C.
21:27:08 07/06/02
Re: 1 More thing
08:56:27 07/07/02
Re: 1 More thing
- Paul C.
16:00:46 07/07/02
Re: 1 More thing
16:35:27 07/07/02
Re: 1 More thing
- Paul C.
20:52:08 07/08/02
Happy 4th of July!
09:20:48 07/04/02
Yes, Happy 4th of July!
Wayne Parham
13:33:50 07/04/02
Most excellent, Dude!
10:42:15 07/04/02
Studio 2Pi redo
01:57:51 07/04/02
Re: Studio 2Pi redo
Wayne Parham
02:53:47 07/04/02
Thanks Wayne ! (nt)
11:58:55 07/07/02
Behringer feedback destroyer
- Jerry Parker
19:04:46 07/03/02
Re: Behringer feedback destroyer
14:03:07 07/05/02
double bass in stage series
- djstan
16:43:56 07/03/02
Re: double bass in stage series
Wayne Parham
19:08:09 07/03/02
FWIW, jbl uses this format at times
- Sam P.
09:44:01 07/04/02
Re: double bass in stage series
20:39:41 07/03/02
Bass cabinet recomendations - need tips
- Undecided
16:12:33 07/03/02
Re: Bass cabinet recomendations - need tips
16:56:46 07/03/02
Thoughts re: Eminence Kilomax 18" ?
- Undecided
02:52:45 07/05/02
Re: Nice Driver
07:30:01 07/05/02
Re: Nice Driver
09:29:03 07/05/02
Adam read -
- Undecided
15:17:32 07/05/02
Re: Adam read -
16:04:10 07/05/02
Adam -Not for car, for home.
- Undecided
19:17:18 07/05/02
Re: Adam -Not for car, for home.
20:24:04 07/05/02
Re: http://www.mmxpress.com/GZ.html (funny link) nt.
- Undecided
02:55:55 07/06/02
Re: http://www.mmxpress.com/GZ.html (funny link) nt.
13:09:03 07/06/02
Sealed vs. Vented systems
Wayne Parham
16:01:12 07/05/02
Is there any difference between Eminence Alpha 12 and Alpha 12A?
Erik Johansson
14:06:02 07/03/02
The Alpha 12 is actually the 12A
Wayne Parham
14:29:50 07/03/02
Heck, Eminence themselves omitted the "A" :) (nt)
Erik Johansson
14:48:29 07/03/02
Crown + Pi = Great
12:55:06 07/03/02
Re: Crown + name a speaker = Great
- Robert Hamel
14:16:36 07/03/02
I'm a big Crown fan too.
Wayne Parham
14:34:16 07/03/02
Beta 12 isobaric sub.....
02:04:39 07/03/02
should be Beta 15", sorry !!
02:12:32 07/03/02
Re: should be Beta 15", sorry !!
07:50:36 07/03/02
Re: should be Beta 15", sorry !!
16:39:19 07/03/02
Re: should be Beta 15", sorry !!
06:43:12 07/04/02
New Pictures!
- Colin Fritzke
21:16:45 07/02/02
Wayne Parham
21:35:14 07/02/02
questions about one-pi speaker
07:42:30 07/02/02
Answers about one-pi speaker
Wayne Parham
12:02:05 07/02/02
Fostex fe204
- themonsteramp
03:47:50 07/02/02
Re: Fostex fe204
Wayne Parham
11:42:20 07/02/02
Re: Fostex fe204
- themonsteramp
13:48:07 07/02/02
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