Was playing with the old sig gen, and decided to repeat a series of level checks where the effect of varying the size of the xover series resistance "bypass" cap was examined. With no bypass cap installed, shorting the series R only boosted output by 10dB, so any "gain" provided by the cap can't exceed that amount.
I was interested in performance enhancements at 10kHz. and 15kHz.cap 10kHz. 15kHz.
0.33 +1dB +3dB
0.47 +2dB +4dB
0.68 +3dB +6dB
1.0 +4.5dB +8.5dBmeasured on axis, at 1 meter. Maybe this explains why I could hardly hear any difference with/without the 0.33uF cap in use! YMMV. Sam
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