Re: Thanks! Construction pictures and dimensions

Thanks guys for all the nice compliments. Some how they ended up being more work than I was thinking. The reality did sound better than the dream Till! The reality also looks a lot bigger in the house than in the dream Too. Woa! The wife likes them they sound great.

Ive been fooling with Hafler amps and active crossover for hours now. cant seem to get that pro audio buzz/hum/hiss out when no volume. one amp does this, another does that...... switch it all around, change interconnects. ugggg!
They do sound better TriAmped but a passive crossover and plate amps on the LF cabinets is silent operation when music is down.

OK, here is a link to some construction pistures and a dimensioned sketch if anyone is up for a challance.

Next will be some new 4Pi boxes to sit on top. Black is beautiful but I need wood!



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