Wayne - Theater 4 Pi question

My Theater 4 Pi's seem to need more lower mid-range and bass when compared to my Sea's 5.5" monitors in an MTM arrangement
(BESL Series 5's http://www.bamberglab.com/series5.htm powered of course by a SS Threshold amp and preamp). I'm using the correct Eminance crossover and Eminence drivers with the extra components across the woofer and tweeter.
I'm using the 6db antenuation values for the tweeeter.
I'm at work or I'd be more specific.

Some changes I did make...

1- I increased the cabinet depth by 1" to allow for extra internal

2- I installed 2"x4" 'belts' above and below the woofer for cabinet reinforcement, and I put a 2"x4" reinforcement in the middle of the top and bottom panels.

3- I'm using the Partsexpress Acoustic 1.5" foam (instead of 2" fiberglass) on three sides. I added more foam and some fiberglass - speakers got more defined and clear I think.

Your thoughts/suggestions please ...


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