What is Pialign?
Posted by
on July 17, 2002 at 10:30:45
Is this software similar to other products (ie, WinISD)
yielding similar results?
Follow Ups:
It's an alignment, and a program that recommends cabinets using that alignment
Wayne Parham
13:09:08 07/17/02
more questions
- thylantyr
14:40:05 07/17/02
more answers
Wayne Parham
15:40:21 07/17/02
I have a question, too!
Till E.
19:53:56 07/17/02
It's all related to beer
Wayne Parham
20:46:06 07/17/02
The shape of the bottle? Does a liter bottle of beer......
Till E.
21:07:12 07/17/02
Bigger bottle, shorter neck
Wayne Parham
23:07:40 07/17/02