Studio 2Pi redo

Hi Wayne,

I am happy user of 2Pi studio for 6 months now. My version
is built from a chip board and I am planning to make
a real box for it now.
I would like to build it from solid pinewood boards
(27mm = 1.1") as I had a good experience with it in the past.

My actual box is adjusted to the new Eminence Alpha 10 TS
params: my volume is 49 L (1.72 ft3) tuned to 32 Hz
using one tiny port 1.4" diam x 1.1" len.

I would like to ask you your opinion on the size for my
future box: should I keep my actual dimension or it will be better
to downsize it to your original 2Pi dimensions (is it
1.34 ft3/37.4 Hz ? ).

The actual bass response is so-so but present, so I wouldn't lost it.
But the most important is the midrange quality so if it will
be sacrified in a bigger box I prefer the smalest one and with less bass.

I have another box plans for Alpha 10: 88.6 L (3.13 ft3) tuned to 33Hz which is
supposed to optimize bass response (scarifying the power ability in the sub-100 Hz
region but this is not a big deal for my 20W amp).
Do you have any opinion on this configuration ?

Thanks in advance,

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