What would be the recommended crossover style nad point for a Professional 4Pi with a 2235 loaded Pi-aligned sub. I was thinking somewhere around 70 Hz with a 18 Db slope. Opinions?
Follow Ups:
- Re: Active crossover for 4Pi with 2235 Pi sub - bmar 19:08:42 07/31/02 (4)
- I have a.... - Luxmanlover 20:29:42 07/31/02 (3)
- 2235 subs - Wayne Parham 00:38:51 08/01/02 (2)
- Re: 2235 subs - mikebake 11:06:36 08/01/02 (1)
- 2245 subs - Wayne Parham 14:59:21 08/01/02 (0)