As much as I hate to do this....

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on May 24, 2005 at 11:40:43:

In Reply to: Senate posted by manualblock on May 24, 2005 at 06:41:38:

It was the Democrats that were acting like babies and stretching the rules to fillabuster judges. Up until this time judges got a fair up and down vote. Even if the Republicans despised the judge nominated from a liberal president they still gave them an up or down vote in fairness. Example would be Ruth Giensburg. She was given a vote within six weeks of her nomination buy Clinton. By the way it was the Democrats threatening to shut down the gov. if they didn't have their way. Not the Republicans. It was the Democrats acting like babies because they hate bush and can't come to grips with the fact that they lost another election. There is shame on the Republicans this morning for making such a deal with the democrats. None of them live in my area but if they did they would never get my vote again. Hopefully they will pay the price for selling out the people that voted for them.


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