Ok let's try Gallop...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on May 25, 2005 at 15:43:39:

In Reply to: Re: I see we are back to polls again... posted by manualblock on May 25, 2005 at 14:55:55:

Here is a summery of a poll taken by Gallop from yesterday.

May 24, 2005
Public Conflicted in Filibuster Debate
A third say both parties acting like "spoiled children"

by David W. Moore

A substantial majority of Americans are paying little attention to the debate over the Senate's filibuster rule, according to the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey. After being informed about the issue, 48% of respondents say they favor the Democrats' side and 40% favor the Republicans' side. However, when the question is posed differently, 35% of respondents favor the position that Republicans are arguing for, while 19% favor the position that Democrats prefer. Clear majorities of respondents say the Republicans and, separately, the Democrats are acting like "spoiled children" rather than "responsible adults." However, a majority believes that at least one party is acting responsibly.

Hardly seems like a slam dunk for either side to me. You can find the rest on Gallops web site if your so inclined.

I said that I didn't want to debate the case I sighted. I wanted to debate the principle. Which I am still willing to do. You are avoiding the discussion that you yourself brought up.

Saddam was a threat to the USA and the world as I said. Not to mention the fact that he signed a peace agreement (after attacking and occupying a neighbor country starting a war.) stating that he would comply with any and all UN Resolutions. We allowed him to stay in power if he agreed to allow inspectors etc. If not the war continues and he gets removed from office. He broke how many of these UN resolutions?

I'm sure Machiavelli said a lot of things. I was posting his quote in this instance because it makes perfect sense and pertains to our discussion. Just look at history.

I believe the vast majority of people in Iraq are supportive of the US and are very grateful. Of course these people are never given any press. If democracy is achieved in Iraq (A big "if" I grant you) and that leads to peace in this part of the world, GW Bush will go down in history as one of the great presidents. Of course the Democrats can't have this so they will sell out thier country to make sure it doesn't happen. They are doing everything in thier power to make sure the US fails in this war along with thier willing accomplices in the media. You want to talk about doing the right thing for the country? Consider this question: Why is it that what's good for the country is good for Bush and the Republicans (Peace achieved in Middle east etc.) but what bad for the country is good for the Democrats (Bush fails miserably in the middle east)?

Gay marriage goes far beyond personal behavior. It is a subject that has far reaching implications and I don't wish to get into right now Not because I can't debate it but simply because it will take too much time. I wish just once with these kind of discussions the participants could stick to just one subject at a time. The subject I have been trying to stay on was the deal (or sell-out) by the handful of Senators about Bush's nominees.

Ok manualblock. You win. This is starting to effect my day so I give up.


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