Re: Ok let's try Gallop...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 25, 2005 at 16:21:19:

In Reply to: Ok let's try Gallop... posted by Mr Vinyl on May 25, 2005 at 15:43:39:

V-man; check the posts; you brought up the marraige thing.
My earlier post expressed my feeling that there was no winner or loser on the fillibuster issue if you look more carefully, I endeavored to point out that the people did in fact want the process stopped and the Senate to return to business. Remmember; 24% Reps 26% Dems and 54% niether??

In your last post you said you had enough of the M'Cain thing so I dropped it.

The principle of active judges; well I said what I thought in the previous post; the law is fluid and must be allowed to adapt.

Peace will not be achieved in the middle east and it has nothing to do with Elephants or Donkeys; it is the nature of the beast. The Greeks/Turks/French/British, and now us have tried. You must read history more carefully.
Lets check the rolls of representatives who actually served in the military; and see what we have. If the Dems want out of Iraq it is because of the waste/futility/and piracy that is happening, not because they are seeking to undermine American interests and the American people.
Suggesting that all Democrats are disloyal does not deserve repeating.


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