I see we are back to polls again...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on May 25, 2005 at 14:03:56:

In Reply to: Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT) posted by manualblock on May 25, 2005 at 12:49:23:

Please if you are going to state polls as fact at least provide a link showing this data.

I have absolutely no problem with the war in Iraq. And no it's not for oil. The liberals just don't learn from history. Saddam was a huge threat to us and the rest of the world. Leaving him in power would have been a disaster waiting to happen. This is how Hitler took over half the world. I will leave this subject with this quote:

"There is no avoiding war, it can only be postponed to the advantage of others." N. Machiave

I brought up gay marriage only as another example of judges making law. The liberal judges in Mass didn't like the law against gay marriage so the made up their own. The constitution saying Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness has nothing to do with gay marriage. Note that I didn't say whether I was for or against gay marriage. You stated polls as saying that most people agree with this sell out by McCain. Well most polls show overwhelming support for making gay marriage illegal. Does that mean you think it should be made illegal by a federal law? That the democrats should vote for such a law because after all, the representatives vote into office are supposed to do the will of the people right??? Or is that just when you agree with the out come?

All of that said, I notice you didn't comment on the subject of my post. You requested examples of judges making up law. I provided one. You didn't respond. Maybe you agree with this example because you agree with the outcome. In the words of the late great Ronald Reagan "This is just feeding the crocodile hoping it will eat you last" Keep in mind it works both ways. Eventually the Conservative judges will start legislating from the bench. Then maybe you will think it's more of a problem then. Whether Republican or Democrat, this is a huge problem that everyone needs to watch carefully.


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