Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT)

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on May 24, 2005 at 21:39:31:

In Reply to: Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT) posted by manualblock on May 24, 2005 at 18:51:33:

I'm sorry dude, but I couldn't disagree more. Facts are facts. The fact is that there has been only one other judge in history that has been fillerbustered and that was in the 1960's. Basically the Democrats are sore losers that can't come to grips with the fact that most people disagree with their views. I vote for Republicans not because I want them to compromise with the democrats. But because I think the Democrats and their policies are destroying our country. I don't want compromise. I want the Republicans to stick to their guns and pass a Conservative agenda. I think the most important thing that the Republicans can do is appoint conservative judges. Not judges that disregard the law and make it up to suit their own agenda. This is one of the single most important problems that the US faces today. I want judges that apply the law not make it up. It's unconstitutional to do anything else. What the vast majority of Republicans were trying to do with this issue in not childish in anyway but brave and courageous IMO. I don't want our representatives in government to stick their finger in the wind and go which ever way the wind or the polls tell them to go. I want the representatives that I vote for to take the higher ground. To stick by their convictions and to do what's right even if it means they will lose power in the future. I think this is what Mr. Frist was trying to do. John McCain is a fraud. He represents himself as a Republican but in fact is a Democrat. No he is not doing the right thing. He is preparing to run for the presidency again and is pandering to the liberal left. Maybe he will get elected but not with my vote. I want men of conviction not men that pander. In my opinion Mr. Frist is the real American here. Not Mr. McCain. Perhaps Mr. McCain should grow a spine and do what he knows is right for the country not what will win approval of the liberal media.

Sorry but your view on this issue couldn't be more liberal. I find it hard to believe that you are a registered Republican that normally votes Republican. No I don't like everything that GW Bush has done. But I think he is a man of high moral ground that stands by what he thinks is right. Not by what some poll says or by what some people may think of him. Just the kind of leader I want in office.

These are just my views of course. You have every right to disagree. You sound like you're a thinking man. Even though we may not come to the same conclusions. This is good. Hope to have more spirited debate with you in the future.

Mr. Vinyl


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