Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT)

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 24, 2005 at 18:51:33:

In Reply to: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT) posted by Mr Vinyl on May 24, 2005 at 17:31:49:

Mr. Vinyll guy; sorry I didn't mean to cut my response short, I hit the post button accidently. I don't want you to think I don't take your post seriously because I do take it seriously.
The problem with the debates that revolve around this current administration is the sides are so polarised that they lose sight of the real issues and try to reduce them to a succession of chains of what each side calls "Facts".
It starts by both parties rushing to their respective websites and gathering their forces of facts. Lining them up to do battle. But facts are elusive things; they depend on all of the circumstances that surround the issue including past and present conditions. When one side or the other pontificates they of course use the facts that support their side and conveniently isolate each set of conditions to fit their facts.
So consequently it becomes a Fact Attack without any adjustments for the prevailing environment that produced these facts.
What I'm trying to say is, just like there is a reference standard in audio; there is a right and wrong in politics. When these positions are reduced to facts they lose the ultimate sense of responsibility that comes with having a personal philosophy and taking a position.
In this situation the Senate has for ever recognised that the position of the majority is tentative and the winds blow both ways. That is why we comprimise and do not let the majority lord it over the minority.
That sense is missing here. Clinton lost many more appointments due to backdoor negotiations and compromise; and thats the way it should be. This Frist explaining to the people that he will take no prisoners and will have his way is contradictory to the spirit of our govt.
No fact can alter or correct that point of view. So when a real man like John M'Cain steps up to the plate and says enough, that is how our govt should work. It's called leadership and only a man would know how to accomplish that. That is the child reference. Even if he had the personal prescence to throw his weight around, he should have had the same to be gracious towards the minority party in public. Boasting and bragging is childlike.
Thats why it was great to see M'Cain step in and settle this. A real american who served his country and speaks low but carries a big stick.


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