Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT)

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 25, 2005 at 10:17:11:

In Reply to: Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT) posted by Mr Vinyl on May 25, 2005 at 08:49:21:

Mr Vinyll Guy my friend; You can read this at your leisure, no rush; we ain't goin' nowhere.
I need to address this first though. I never insinuated you were religous and regret if that is what it sounded like. Please; no Nazi references, Lock step has a meaning quite outside that one.
Interesting how we really differ. Forget please the fact thing; I stated already how I feel about that. You will qoute the websites you read and I will quote the one's I read and we end up with dueling factoids. We might as well cut and paste the blogs onto the post and do something else with our time.
I believe that John M'Cains duty as a Senator lies with his;
Country first,
Then his states electorates,
then the party. The party is an affiliation; nothing more. The people of Arizona elected John M'Cain; who happens to be a Republican, they did not elect a Republican who happens to be J.M. He belongs to the GOP because he believes in their core principals, but he is not obligated to obey their every tenent and to support their every platform. His first responsibility lies with the people of AZ.
The job of the legislature's is too do the business of their constituents and if that conflicts with the party agenda, he must support the people who elected him.
I don't vote for a Republican; I vote for a man. What he did was to support the business of govt in defiance of those who would put their party above their responsibility to the people.
The Judiciary; define the word Judge. They will define the legality of the laws that congress passes. If that law that as written by the Legis. is in contradiction to the fundamental law of the constitution as they see it, then it is their duty to strike it down; they cannot write law, only prevent unjust laws from being enacted. Show me a just law that has been unjustly stricken so I have an example of what disturbs you.
You know this is good; on the political blogs it has degenerated into the fact wars; completely useless.


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