Re: Progress Report

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Posted by matth [ ] on March 17, 2005 at 23:37:57:

In Reply to: Progress Report posted by matth on March 17, 2005 at 00:23:05:

Well, got a little bit of time in this evening on the Stoetkit. Based on on of Wayne's post on his buildup, I got some extra hook up wire. Since I was already going overboard with some high dollar solder, I got some Cardas 18G solid hookup wire. So I am using the Cardas for all the signal wiring, and will use the kit wire for all the power wiring. One advantage of the Cardas, from a usability standpoint, is the insulation is smaller which makes working in some of the tight spots a bit easier.

I got the volume control, selector switch, and speaker terminals hooked up. Man, I don't think I will ever 'like' working with coax. Not that it is hard, just time consuming.

Here, the switches are wired up. The leads coming off the volume pot will eventually go to the circuit board.

Here, the speaker terminals are connected to the output trannies. The kit has plenty of wire and insultation to do the job easily.

That's it for now...will report back once I have had some more time to invest.


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