Re: Progress Report

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Posted by matth [ ] on March 26, 2005 at 23:25:40:

In Reply to: Re: Progress Report posted by Wayne Parham on March 22, 2005 at 12:29:06:

I did indeed have a bad transformer. Everything looked OK physically, so I reflowed the solder with no success.

Frank at fsaudio has been absolutly fantastic. He got me a replacement transformer in record time. Dealer support is critical and Frank comes through.

Unfortunately I made a few errors along the way. I had put too much bend in one of the wires and during the transformer installation, it broke. This lead to needing to pull the entire circuit board out to make the repair....bummer. In my haste to get the board reinstalled, I damaged on of the capacitors with the solder iron. Right now it is only cosmectic as the device measures good. I am afraid it may affect it's lifespan, therefor I do plan on replacing

Here is a photo of the completed interior.

Now that that is complete, I mounted some feet on the bad boy and put the volume control knob on. I should mention that the actual knobs are machinced and very nice. I still need to get the faceplate on, mount the transformer covers and cut down the shafts, but hey it works!

Was it worth bet. This is my first DIY project and while I did have some challenges, nothing I couldn't overcome. In retrospect, this is a great first time DIY project. I have learned a lot and been successful. And oh, the sound is sweet.

Well, Bob James is calling me now:)


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