Progress Report

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Posted by matth [ ] on March 17, 2005 at 00:23:05:

In Reply to: My Stoetkit is here! posted by matth on March 15, 2005 at 00:22:21:

Well things are starting to get serious. I think I have all the parts accounted for, sourced the "extra" stuff I need and am now getting down to work.

First, I build myself a little jig to set the chssis on. It is simply a MDF patform with 2.5" risers on either side. I put a slight rabbit down the length of the risers so the chassis is nestled securely. The blue painters tape you will see on the chassis is to help make sure there is no scratching fromt the MDF.

Another note before I get started. Wayne's advice of using locktite to secure the nuts is good advice. I am using the medium strenght version, which allows disassembling without drastic measures. Also, I would avoid using locktite on any nut that is expected to be conductive. Locktite is not a conductor and can cause problems. In a prior life, a product I supported fell victim to this.

I pretty much followed Wayne's posting. Cutting the thules down, removing some paint for ground connection and enlarging some chassis holes. Then I moved on to mounting the trannies and sockets.

Now on to the back panel. There are some wires that need to be hooked up to the IEC socket, no problem. Actually it has been awhile since I last soldered, so this was a good place to start.

The instruction have the mounting of the RCA Jacks and the speaker terminals. This is followed by soldering some coax cable up the the RCA Jacks. I found the speaker terminals were somewhat in the way, so I removed them for this step. Much easier (for me anyway). Now with the coax installed on the jacks, I went ahead and reinstalled the speaker terminals.

Well, that's it for now. Until next time......


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