Re: Progress Report

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Posted by matth [ ] on March 21, 2005 at 22:54:51:

In Reply to: Re: Progress Report posted by matth on March 21, 2005 at 22:09:29:

Hmmm. Everything is now hooked up but I am having a problem.

The initial measurements without the tubes installed looked good. Everything was well withing tolerance.

After installing the tubes, everything looked good except for the + pole of C4B. All other tubes measured 18.5V on this pin, but 0V C4B. I checked the other pins on the tube and here is what I found.

{Bad) (Good)
Channel B Channel A
Pin Valve2 Valve2
1 40V 41V
2 0V 18.5V
3 .65V 0V
4 6.24V 6.24V
5 6.24V 6.24V
6 1.3V 239V
7 1.3V 239V
8 42V 40V
9 177V 177V

So the Triode portion of the tube (Pins 1, 8, 9) appears normal. However, the Pentode (Pins 2, 3, 6, 7) is all wrong.

After quite a bit of checking around I decided to ohm out the windings on the output transformer. What I found is that it looks like thereis an open between the U2 and center taps on the suspect channel.

(to speakers)
- -
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
- - - - -
\/ \/ \/ \/
50 open 50 50 (measurement in ohms of suspect transformer)
50 50 50 50 (measurement in ohms of good transformer)

So, it would appear that I have an issue with the output transformer.

I am also suspecting that I have a dirty volume pot. There is a grinding noise and for the brief few minutes that I had speakers hooked up, there was a very audible noise when adjusting the volume.

If anyone has any suggestions/comments on what I am reporting then please let me know. I am sure the output transformer has an issue, but is there something else I should be checking or concerned about?

Oh yea, I do have some pictures of the completed assembly but have been too busy troubleshooting to get them posted. And yes, I will get them posted soon.


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