Re: campy

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Posted by MQracing [ ] on December 19, 2005 at 11:48:01:

In Reply to: Re: campy posted by Leland Crooks on December 19, 2005 at 11:23:39:

Hi Leland:

for me... it's that darn old age gettin' in the way...

rebuilt a fixed gear track bike that I custom built (frame and all) back in 1980. With my commute being about four miles and all flat terrain... I was really excited to get back on my bike and do something healthy for a change...

wouldn't ya know it... my left knee goes south... pain out the wazoo... but nothing that the shot of cortizone didn't relieve quickly...

so... I guess I do need to dust it off and get back on the road.

the titanium spokes sound neat... have they held up well? wheel stay true?




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