I see we are making some progress....

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Posted by MQracing [ ] on December 22, 2005 at 08:25:38:

In Reply to: Re: your the boss.... posted by Damir on December 22, 2005 at 07:50:43:

toward a more even handed moderation of the Group Build forum.

Dougie had put up a post again calling his transformer a Peerless S-265-Q. I put up a very polite post... the content is quoted below...

Posted by MQracing [ ] on December 21, 2005 at 19:18:29:

In Reply to: Pentode front end posted by PakProtector on December 21, 2005 at 19:02:42:

Doug wrote:

:::E-Linear modified Peerless S265.:::

Just a polite reminder and request to not use
our trademarks. The transformer mentioned above
is not a genuine nor an authorized Peerless. Lest
anyone be confused as to it's authenticity.




in reponse... Doug comes back and uses the opportunity to shill his product and Heyboer... by stating that his version is "better" than the original and etc. It was just a pure and simple plug for his and heyboer's co-operative venture. And it was allowed to stay up by Damir...

I then ask Doug to just simply refrain from "riding on our coattails".

Guess who's post got yanked?

So a guy steals our design, uses it for a project on Group Build, exploits our trademark and our goodwill for his own personal gain... time and time again... day after day... and there is nothig deemed wrong with that approach? But if you point out that your the legitimate owner of that property and that trademark then your post gets yanked down and your labeled a "troll" by the moderator?

This... after this issue had been discussed on the Dungeon and seemingly an agreement made that such use of another's trademark and goodwill would not be permitted.

Finally... I see that the entire thread appears to have been taken down only... better late than never that the moderation policy be enforced impartially.



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