Re: it is really fairly simple

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Posted by MQracing [ ] on December 22, 2005 at 22:01:00:

In Reply to: it is really fairly simple posted by PakProtector on December 22, 2005 at 21:30:39:

Doglas wrote: won't even admit to representing yourself as a friend and collaborator...:::

Who could blame me? I am not your friend and\or collaborator.

Would be hard for me to collaborate with a guy who did not even know what a butt stacked tranney was and had to be told just yesterday.

Regarding AA and your behaviour on that board. All I know is that you were the gold record holder for the person having the most posts deleted ever on the asylum. And there were multiple victims on AA that you netstalked. Not just little ole me.

And that as soon as you were booted from there you came here and started the same nonsense that got you the boot... but, perhaps, with an even greater vengeance.

so... I don't know if it's because you are lazy, or incompetent, or just plain unethical... you have set about a course of events that has brought srife and discord to two different boards... good job Douglas.

Hey... pick a name any name... I think ROLECKS fits your scheming enterprise well... call your knockoffs ROLECKS... you might be able to find a corner on canal street to hawk them when your not hawking them on the Dougie and Damir forum. But don't call your knockoffs Peerless', cause they ain't.


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