Don't worry...

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on December 23, 2005 at 22:14:34:

In Reply to: Re: your the boss.... posted by MQracing on December 22, 2005 at 07:59:58:

I am sure that your typo's were not typo's. They are a deliberate provocation.

Where have you provoked me? with your edited and misrepresented publishing of my personal email for one.

The rest of the list is long, and has its start date quite clearly documented. At this rate, I see no end to it, only your RAT/Jute War sort of escalation. How many other people are you going to have shouting your party line against me?

It is OK, word will spread, and so will the ripples throughout the listening circles.

the only person holding flimsy motives and agenda is you M'queef, and it is getting easier and easier to see it. While I have good reason to be upset with you, I am quite ready to forgive you and move on.


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