your the boss....

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Posted by MQracing [ ] on December 22, 2005 at 07:31:59:

In Reply to: Re: here's one "offending" post yanked down by Damir.... posted by Damir on December 22, 2005 at 07:08:41:

If you want to act in an arbitrary and capricious manner I suppose that I can't stop you. But for the record... would you kindly point out the troll in the following response which you have taken down not once but several times?

the poster in question wrote in his post;

"Or I could just ask the manufacturer...but most don't even post Cw numbers."

to which I simply ask in the posting title only;

***What is the Cw of the HTS-7457?***

that... being the entire content of my post...

and it too gets yanked down...

but before yanking it down the mod allows multiple personal attacks by the original poster... and I even sent a private email to Damir complaining about the personal attacks. To no avail. Instead he yanks down my post which simply asks the designer of the HTS-7457 what the Cw of his trans is... since the original poster expects other companies to publish this data I thought it more than fair to ask him to post this figure for his design.

Your a bit off base here Damir. And your friendship with Doug has clouded your objectivity.

And now you want to ban me for typos? Jeez louise. How many others will get the axe for typographical errors?



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