Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 06, 2005 at 22:01:25:

In Reply to: Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out posted by Manualblock on October 06, 2005 at 21:02:12:

Well, first let me say that my clueless remarks were made under the influence of alcohol. And by the way it was also kind of a joke. I was trying to emulate a line from the movie Animal house. However you come on and post some very inflammatory things. It can be quite infuriating. I do apologize for the rudeness of some of my remarks.

Now to the case at point. I don't believe what amounts to college pranks rises to torture. However even if we did cross the line this is serious stuff ok? These people want to kill as many Americans as possible. I don't give a rats butt whether they are comfortable in jail. If it takes actual torture to find out where Saddam is hiding or what hole Bin Laden is cowering in then so be it. If it takes torture to find out about a plot to bomb a train station or a plot to fly planes into buildings then so be it. I think that most Americans are for whatever it takes to secure the freedom and safety of America. I believe your hatred of Bush is clouding your thoughts. I don't believe you understand the importance of winning this war. This is not about your party winning back the presidency. This is about the future of our country and the safty of our people and children. Forget your hatred of Bush and think about what's important.

Look at what we are up against. Remember nobody at Gitmo ever cut off someone's head. So they cut off innocent people's heads and we made them stay up late. Yeah that's torture.

I believe Bush has done a great job so far in defending our country. He would do an even better job if the liberals would stop coddling the terrorists and start backing America.


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