Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 06:44:11:

In Reply to: Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out posted by Bill Martinelli on October 06, 2005 at 23:18:00:


I mostly agree with what you are saying. You'll have to be a little more specific about what Bush is doing wrong before I can debate you on his actions. I believe many good things have happened in Iraq and Afghanistan that the media just isn't reporting. Bush has had to deal with a lot of stuff since being President. Tough decisions had to be made. Mistakes are bound to happen. I'm not a Bush apologist but I don't think he is getting a fair shake sometimes.

I agree with you about Bush's supreme court appointees. I am not happy with either. But no matter who he picked the press and liberals would be all over him. Oh and I don't think she is a Borne again? What about Ginsburg? She is just as ridicules as anyone Bush has appointed but that doesn't seem to bother anyone.


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