Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 22:11:57:

In Reply to: Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out posted by Bill Martinelli on October 07, 2005 at 21:33:48:

No thats not some conspiricy theory all of this info had to be made public through corporate filings and the regular business practice. Let me ask you; why do you think we pay half of what the rest of the world pays for oil?
It is easy to find out who owns american debt instruments. It's a matter of public record. I just repeat the facts which are not secret or hidden. Just under-reported.
Think as a business man; who gains if the Chinese and South American governments convert all of that 300 billion in American T-bills into euro's. The interest rate here skyrocket to pay the debt and we pay the price. Plenty of info but it is all based in economic reports and funding report requirements.
I always said the real danger to America was never some half-baked dictatorship on a desert it's the rise of the European Union. Their GNP equals ours should they get the charter realised. Then we got problems. We live on floating debt. All of this is right there in the Wall Street Journal for anyone who cares to look.
But yes it does look a little area 57'ish in print.
Looks like this is down to you and me agian. Mr V somehow got hisself pissed off again. Man I can't win.
So hows the boat; put it in drydock for the winter?


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