Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 14:51:39:

In Reply to: Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out posted by Mr Vinyl on October 07, 2005 at 06:44:11:

I could be wrong on the Borne again. I thought I heard she was. I dont know a thing about ginsburgs appointment. If I get a chance I'll take a look at some of her decisions and let you know what I think of the job she did. I'm not even sure I like any of the justices or appointed justices. I like that they all are a bit different and together they form a good decision, most of the time.

I never thought Bush could handle the pressure of the job. He doesn't strike me as being capable of thinking on his feet. I dont like the massive amounts of money we spend on foreign soil. I cant save the people in the middle east. They have been fighting for 2000 years and will continue to do so. I dont feel safer with Sadam gone. Is the world a better place with out him? Sure! but it was not imperative we remove him.
Wasnt there surplus money when Bush got in? He gave a tax break because of it I though. Now the national debt is beyond huge. The man says silly things when he talks. He does not come across as presidential. I gave him a vote the first time because I liked his tax policy. Then I felt betrayed with the whole war thing. I just cant get on board with it. 200 billion would a lot of good things in the united states. It's our money, lets use it here.


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