Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out

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Posted by Manualblock [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 08:27:11:

In Reply to: Re:I have to say Mr Vinyl is a man; not a bail-out posted by Mr Vinyl on October 07, 2005 at 06:44:11:

I'm afraid I have to agree to disagree on this one with both of you guys. A prisoner does not give up his rights because all crimes are not of equal seriousness. Would you use the same methods of force and discipline against a guy in Jail for falling behind in paying his taxes as you would for a child murderer? If the BTK killer should be treated the same as a guy who got caught with a roach in his cars ashtray?
The law makes exception for the serious nature of crimes by assigning different punishments and we have to do the same. Don't forget; none of the prisoners in Guantanmo have been charged. So which one of those guys was picked up by mistake and now is being tortured.
Listen; read some of the literature. The guys responsible for implementing the torture policies do not like them because they don't work. It gets people to tell incorrect information while under duress; they will give up the brother-in-law they hate they will say anything to relieve the pain and that information is never reliable.
Let the pro's handle this; to a man they all say you get people to co-operate by brains not brawn.
Secondly to be considered a civilised country you can't torture people. You just can't do it and still be a civilised nation; with torture you are nothing better than a totalitarian state.
Bush came into office with an agenda to do three things/eliminate entitlements from the economy for the poor and middle class while keeping them in place for the rich. To secure the oil-fields in the middle east for American interests by force. To put in place a method to control the population so the business interests could operate without restrictions; ie, removing personal rights/removing environmental restrictions/ and enabling all of government police powers to operate without any control or oversight by the citizens.
Sorry but that is his mandate from the wealthy and powerfull who put him in office.


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