Re: Thoughts

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Posted by Bob Brines [ ] on March 25, 2006 at 08:43:27:

In Reply to: Thoughts posted by manualblock on March 24, 2006 at 21:45:53:

My pessimistic assessment is that the huge amounts spent on accessories is pure elitism. People spend kilobucks on cables because they can. Why would anyone in their right mind buy a Mercedes S class? Because it is the most expensive sedan out there?

Americans in particular seem to fall into two categories: Those with unlimited means who buy the most expensive items available regardlessly of quality or functionality, and those of limited means who buy the least expensive items available regardless of quality or functionality. Why is there Wal-Mart? Why is there no manufacturing in the USA?

This kills the good but moderately priced market in any category. A $1000 two channel amp is becoming very hard to find, and those of us out in the weeds will have to mail order it. Fortunately the current crop of cheap HT receivers, particularly the digital ones are becoming very good. But I digress....

Don't get me wrong here. If done right and for the right reasons, dollars can equal quality. But I don't think that this was your point of departure. I think you meant the you are amused at people spending huge amounts for money of parts that don't make much difference. My answer is pure elitism.



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