Re: Thoughts

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Posted by lon [ ] on March 25, 2006 at 22:53:32:

In Reply to: Re: Thoughts posted by manualblock on March 25, 2006 at 09:59:13:

The speculation just occurred to me on a study which needs to be

What is the percentage of functionally tone deaf individuals
involved in the audiophile and speaker building hobbies?

Men lose of their hearing after 40 IIRC so isn't a lot
of this just chasing a chimera?

I think that to separate out the tone deaf from the
audially acute, everyone that raises an opinion on the
brightness of this or the boominess of that ought to have
a professional audiologist test and that test posted in
his signature-- like people do with their system builds.

I'm pretty confident that another speculation of mine
is correct and that is as a previous discussion included, a
large amount of listening to radio-- AM or FM, it doesn't matter--
will influence how you hear the human voice. So the effort
will be made in the design concept to mimic the compressions,
echoic effects and other audio enhancements that one hears
on the radio or tv.

It is really unfortunate that women don't take an interest
in these forums but the reason for that and rightly so to a large
degree is that they are about piffle. It's a form vs. content
thing which is another discussion the beginning of which starts with the question: Do you do this because you can't play an instrument?

I will cop to a bit of that myself.


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