Re: Piffle

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Posted by lon [ ] on March 26, 2006 at 14:10:16:

In Reply to: Re: Piffle posted by MWG on March 26, 2006 at 13:30:56:

Talk about taking piffle to a new level. :-/

Oh well.

I know that in the Fitzmaurice forum there's a lot of musicians.

But the stuff they build -- you know for rock bands and stuff--
how many of _them_ do you think are tone deaf or have tinitus?

As to the live vs reproduced . I think I good argument can
be made for the is it live or is it Memorex question. By this I
mean that the critical faculty is using a false comparison:
radio or other prerecorded processed sound.

I got into all that after a bad build. What the guy said about
the build in a very professional hobbyist way had to be bs.
He had to be tone deaf. I've come to think this about anyone
using a driver under 4 inches like the Tangband W871. My TB's
have gone into everything: TL, sealed box ported out the back.
I did get sort of a good effect from open baffle on a board
but that is less than handy or elegant.

Hey, maybe it's me who's tone deaf. I really don't have any
good baseline for comparison. That's why I proposed
audiology exams. I mean if you can spend thousands of dollars
on a rig, it should be small change to have an exam you
prob'ly haven't had since grade school.


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