Re: Piffle

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Posted by lon [ ] on March 26, 2006 at 15:04:23:

In Reply to: Re: Piffle posted by MWG on March 26, 2006 at 14:43:50:


Somewhat related is the fact that I started to follow the
building forums closely (after having done kits previously
over a period of 20-30 years) was because I was looking for
low poer designs that would make the digital music I had
found (concert jazz band and and other things) sound...
_adequate_ over what is is normally sold as computer speakers.
I've never owned any computer speakers. I build from scratch
so I followed the directions for hooking up the sound card
to a small receiver I had which was a Nakamichi at the time.
The Nak was very small and had it;s own set of mini 2 way
speakers which-- like all 2 way minispeakers-- weren't much

The first advice I got with this arrangement was to
cut out the backs of the minis-- something that wouldn't
occur to me. Talk about the Fostex line was going pretty
well then as it still does and Madisound is not very far away
for shipping so I got a pair of FE127e's. My first mod was
dropping in the Fostex to the mini cabs with the backs cut off.
A happy coincidence was that I could put the fronts back on
and the molded plastic formed a wave guide for the single
Fostex on the box. I used a cork to plug up the port
and left the 25 cent tweeter in there for seal. That
setup lasted me quite while.


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