Re: Piffle

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 26, 2006 at 14:39:42:

In Reply to: Re: Piffle posted by lon on March 26, 2006 at 14:10:16:

I think you are being to hard on yourself; your hearing is mostlikely fine. Just because a guy builds something and then puts up a website doesn't neccessarily mean he knows anything. I wrote a half dozen posts on SD speakers a while back because there was a small gathering here of guys who follow that line of speaker. They do some things great and some not so great. I am not a huge fan; not because they don't sound good on some recordings but because I feel they are very specific to a certain type of music. On that music they sound wonderfull. But you got to like that music enough to play it exclusively.

So Why does it mean that because you are not hearing out to 18k you can't tell what sounds good? It may just be that what sounds good will sound good to everyone regardless of what their hearing is physically capable of.


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