Re: Rudy Giuliani for President

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 07, 2006 at 12:23:48:

In Reply to: Rudy Giuliani for President posted by Wayne Parham on March 07, 2006 at 11:46:37:

People remmember him for 9/11 and everyone read the book. But you have to look back at what he accomplished here in New York. He took the largest city in the U.S. Never mind LA or Houston; they are a collection of suburbs not really a city. When he took office the crime was unbearable; you really could not walk the streets any time of day with safety. He hired Bratton right away and instituted street policing. Three years later families were seen walking through the streets again with their children. He cleaned all the garbage out of Times Square and now it's a playground for families. He brought spending under control; one of the largest budgets outside of the National Budget. He united all the disparete factions in city government to accomplish that. If you know anything about NYC government you would know what an amazing feat that was. There was never a time he mouthed political nonsense; always down to earth real solutions and real answers to problems. And no one owned him.
He would be a breath of fresh air here after all the BS we have had to swallow for 6 yrs. And Elliot Spitzer for VP. I garruantee the country is back to business and straightened out with that ticket.
Rudy for Prez.


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