Re: Rudy Giuliani for President

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 07, 2006 at 15:21:36:

In Reply to: Re: Rudy Giuliani for President posted by Bill Martinelli on March 07, 2006 at 15:03:20:

Hey Bill; we posted at the same time!
Rudy probably won't have a chance. He is divorced twice; there goes the religioso's vote. He is a prickly guy; tolerates no nonsense from people. I don't see him mouthing the silly platitudes and cliche's the people seem to like so well. And the hot button topics in the red states like Gay Marriage or Abortion or school prayer they are so wound up about; he doesn't really get involved. He's more about doing his job and not bothering with all that silliness.
But what do I know except I would vote for him in a heartbeat. His past is spotted; dad had a criminal past and some family consorted with less than ideal individuals. You know how the yahoos find silly shit to hold against people. How many people still say Bush is doing a great job?
Rudy is not a patient man and he has little tolerance for incompetence. How about he as Prez and McCain as VP? Dream ticket; so you can bet it's a no-go. We'll get stuck with two yo-yo's again like the last election. Endless empty speeches on family values. Man is it draining or what trying to pretend you have a vote that matters anymore.


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