Re: Rudy Giuliani for President

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Posted by Leland Crooks [ ] on March 07, 2006 at 18:32:29:

In Reply to: Re: Rudy Giuliani for President posted by manualblock on March 07, 2006 at 15:21:36:

The exponential rise in crime in the late 80's, early 90's was predicted to be astronomical by 2000. What happened? About 93 it started to decline then fell through the floor in the late 90's. Partly attributable to tougher enforcement, just as Giuliani did. But the bigger cause (and the authors got villified for this) was Roe V Wade. 72-73 abortion became available. Who took the most advantage? The women who were more likely to raise children who would become part of the criminal class. When did crime start to fall? About the time these unborn children would have been teenagers and young adults. He defends this hypothesis with damming figures and correlations. Uncomfortable, but almost unassailable when you read it.

BTW, I really like a Mcain/Giuliani ticket. It would probably make me vote republican. Never gonna happen for either one.

Just please not Hillary in 08. We cannot stand another 4 yrs of the divisiness that has dominated the last 12.


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