Re: Rudy Giuliani for President

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 07, 2006 at 15:04:05:

In Reply to: Re: Rudy Giuliani for President posted by Leland Crooks on March 07, 2006 at 13:14:29:

Actually; it is not the crime drop attributable to Rudy; he's not a policeman. It's his ability to assemble the best men for the job rather than engage in cronyism and old-boy network favors. He said in his inaugural address he would appoint the best policing talent; he would enforce quality of life policing issues and thats what he did. The economics of crime has a very long cause and effect period. This was done in three years. Why? He said I will get the petty criminals off the streets. It worked. Put the cops on the ground in the neighborhoods. Thats how to stop crime in the streets. Zero tolerance was another policy of his. No letting the little crimes slide. He got the three card monte guys; the squeegee guys; the little hustlers off the streets so people could walk in safety. Thats what did it. A simple solution sometimes works best.
You just have to have the cojone's to implement it.


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