Re: Good question...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 26, 2005 at 15:27:48:

In Reply to: Good question... posted by Mr Vinyl on August 26, 2005 at 14:13:04:

I'll tell you why I ask. Let us agree there is a sizable force of individuals; call them insurgents/terrorists/loyalists/ whatever; but we must be honest and agree there is a sizable amount indicated by the serious and effective resistance they are putting up against an overwhelming force both numerically and technologically.
There is an old military saying that goes an army of ten requires a support team of thirty. Lets add the numbers of fighters to the numbers of required support personell. Now we have quite a large group covering a sizable area.
That mobile insurgency needs to be moved around/housed/fed/provided with intelligence/medical care/and money. That is a logistical feat in itself. Now when you add the concept of rerwards offered to the population for any info that results in a capture you also must have all of this behaviour done in secrecy.
The numbers of fighters for Iraq independence would then by definition need a huge and dedicated well supplied armed and protected support system.
That means much of the population has provided in some way for the existance of these freedom fighters.
Now I ask; does that sound like they are on our side?
That they voted for a democratic system modeled after our own when their fledgling constitution provides for rule by Sharia or Islamic theocratic law?
Where are the democratic members of the provisional govt that support the U.S. Occupation? They support our funding and when that ceases they will abandon all pretense of adopting our ways.


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