Re: Ridicules in your mind not mine...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 26, 2005 at 22:06:11:

In Reply to: Ridicules in your mind not mine... posted by Mr Vinyl on August 26, 2005 at 21:27:43:

I only respond to the 9/11 thing once more. We are fighting people of Iraqi citizenship who don't happen to like being invaded and occupied by a foriegn power; as any other peoples of integrity would. You want to call freedom fighters terrorists call the invaders holy warriors against Musilimit peoples. Same silliniess.
Iraq holds the second largest oil reserves in the world; little more than 2% I would say. Why not invade Saudi Arabia? Why not invade every oil rich nation; it seems a little off don't it?
Why or why we are not dependent on foreign oil isn't the subject of this discussion well do that some other time; stay focused.
Why terrorists enact terror is anyones guess why have there always been terrorists? In Spain they want Basque seperatism; in Italy they are communists;who knows about every terror group, not me.
Fighting nice civilians who don't want us in their country..well; yes as a matter of fact, re-read my earlier post. They couldn't do it without the help of those nice civilians.
Throwing the military into the field prematurely was a tactical error that I am sure even you have realised. What does that have to do with the sanctions?
Iraq has most of the worlds highest concentrations of high grade crude. When Saddam nationalised the oil fields in 1972 the U.S and U.K. lost billions of dollars in revenue and equipment. This war is about getting that back.
Ask where the 6 billion dollars in expropriated U.N. funds have disappeared through the U.S. administrative body governing the dispensing of those funds after the occupation.
Bush makes a phone call to Sistani today to call for some cooperation? Begging is more like it.
On May 22 2003 the U.N. officially ended sanctions against Iraq with resolution 1483 calling for a developement fund for Iraq dubbed,"DFI", administered by the U.S. U.K. coalition. 1483 called for a provisionally monitored accountability board which was promptly disregarded by the coalition administration. Since then some 20 billion dollars remain unaccounted for. All passing through the hands of the U.S. agency of administration. Funny how they try to smokescreen the oil for food issue while pilfering untold millions.
Sorry; I don't usually get into specifics because I don't really want to have to be barraged by neo-con propoganda parrotted from right-wing talk show nitwits. And the bandwidth is be continued.


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