Re: First and foremost.. They are not "Freedom Fighters"

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 26, 2005 at 17:29:09:

In Reply to: First and foremost.. They are not "Freedom Fighters" posted by Mr Vinyl on August 26, 2005 at 16:23:46:

Well I guess you are entitled to your position but truthfully I had hoped for a real answer to the post. All the touchy-feely stuff doesn't really amount to much when peple are dying.
Make no mistake this is no last ditch effort; it's only the beginning.
This war was predicated on lies about WMD's and it is beginning to sour in the public eye. I lived through Vietnam and this is the same thing.
The Vietnamese did not defeat us; we defeated ourselves because we insisted on pursueing a false premise just like we are doing here.


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