Re: First and foremost.. They are not "Freedom Fighters"

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 26, 2005 at 20:48:09:

In Reply to: Re: First and foremost.. They are not "Freedom Fighters" posted by Mr Vinyl on August 26, 2005 at 19:23:09:

We can't have a reasonable dialogue if you insist on tieing 9/11 to Iraq. Thats rediculous and you know it.
Second; you keep bringing up Republican/Democrat. This is the Oil cartel headed by Bush/Cheney appropriating the oil for the U.S. If that is admitted than maybe some real discussion can take place.
That aspect of Bush's policy at least makes sense. The oil reserves in the world are becoming depleted at an ever faster rate and the explosion of need from the far east will accelerate that eventuality. Sending troops into the oil producing region in order to secure our ability to acquire oil and the means to guard our interests is the real reason we are there. That is not open to debate. It's the means by which we accomplished this and the needless deaths resulting from this assbackwards policy that concerns most of the civilised world.
Venezuela is headed by a marxist dictator who hates the U.S. Saudi Arabia has been cheating us and disrespecting us for fifty yrs. Russia has the bulk of the rest of the oil.
Israel can no longer provide the security in locus parentis for us in that area anymore.
The argument is why the administration has overridden all reasonable approaches to negotiating from a position of strength by throwing the military into the field prematurely and proving how precarious our military options are. Dumbass shit by a fool.
And bottom line; where are the tower bombers? Happy somewhere I suppose since they don't seem to care much about getting ahold of them.


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