Re: Republicans need to be careful

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on August 26, 2005 at 20:47:56:

In Reply to: Republicans need to be careful posted by colinhester on August 26, 2005 at 19:40:41:

Look, I know it sounds like I am supporting Bush in whatever he does but I do not. That said, I don't believe Bush has made the Gulf War his sole agenda (although it certainly will be the most important aspect of his administrations, as well it should be). He has tried to fix the Social Security problem (which the Democrats are now denying is even a problem), he's handled some of the problems with drug coverage for seniors, Tax reform etc.

Fighting illegals he hasn't done and probably won't. This is one of the points I disagree with him on.

High gas prices. Not much he can do about this. Except start a war for oil (Oh that's right. Hmm guess that war isn't about oil after all :-).

China/North Korea are potential problems in the future I think. Just going to have to handle these things as they come up I guess. I don't have all the answers.


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