A little article about a BLH....why go to the trouble.....

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Posted by Ed Schilling [ ] on August 06, 2005 at 21:49:28:

I am NOT, I repeat NOT trying to "stir the pot". This is simply someone elses' opinion about "single drivers" and BLHs.
I am not going to argue with these guys....I agree with them. Except about the front venting! It seems to me it's better to have it vent to the rear...but that's just my opinion. The J-Low looks to be a fairly serious single driver speaker. Too bad they used a Jordan and not a Fostex! Draw your own conclusions, or better yet, cut some wood, the plans are there .....some of you have Fostex drivers already......have at it. Let us know what you find out. My guess is they will kick ass, and play most any music just fine, even "Metal"(easy) and "Classical" (hard).


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