Re: Mouth Area and Cut-Off Frequency

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Posted by Retsel [ ] on August 22, 2005 at 09:31:24:

In Reply to: Mouth Area and Cut-Off Frequency posted by Martin on August 20, 2005 at 15:16:29:

You are right. I mistakenly used an equation that already assumed 1/4 pi space and I was doubling the horn opening thinking that it was not.

However, I do not need to pad down upper frequencies in the Hedlund Horn to get balanced reponse. The Hedlund Horn is balanced from 80 - 100 hz up to 10 khz. Perhaps there is a combination of horn and tranmission line bass which gives the balance that the Hedlund Horn enjoys, or perhaps it is the room reinforcement. This is not just to my ears but to any who have heard my system.

The subwoofer I was using does not provide much boost for the mid bass as I was crossing it over at 38 hz with a third order crossover. The subwoofer is very desirable, though, for most all music.



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