Re: Horns, transmission lines and reflex cabinets

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on October 03, 2005 at 16:15:46:

In Reply to: Re: Horns, transmission lines and reflex cabinets posted by Retsel on October 03, 2005 at 15:41:11:

Don't misunderstand me. I like backhorns. But I also like reflex and transmission lines. They are more similar than different. It's the specific implementations that I'm more interested in, because that gives you something to talk about. Without specifics, you're not able to make comparisons.

Consider a tapered transmission line with its closed end having the same cross-section area as a backloaded horn, its mouth at the same position and area, expansion rate and driver the same. What I am describing to you are two identical boxes, one called a transmission line and the other called a backhorn. Without more specificity, you can't necessarily say there's a difference.

Another example is to compare a 2ft3 transmission line or backloaded horn with a 4" or 6" 90dB 20 watt driver to a 10ft3 reflex box with a 95dB 600 watt flux-stabilized 18" woofer. It's not really a fair comparison, because the scale doesn't match. The reflex box will beat the TL/BLH in terms of efficiency, maximum output, distortion and extension. It won't work as a full range driver, but my point is that without more specificity, the conversation has no reference point and therefore no meaning.


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