Re: Horns, transmission lines and reflex cabinets

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Posted by Retsel [ ] on October 03, 2005 at 15:41:11:

In Reply to: Re: Horns, transmission lines and reflex cabinets posted by Wayne Parham on October 03, 2005 at 14:57:43:

Thanks for your opinion Wayne and it is not rude by any means as we all must carefully consider the claims made by these posts (including this one) before acting on them. Indeed those are words of wisdom to all our readers. Although while I also have found some of these posts to be "blather," I have found that many have some very important information or observations which deserve my consideration. Indeed, some of the best tweaks I have made to my audio system came from such posts.

I did not post this comment for your eddification as your opinions seem so strong that I really did not think that you would change your mind based on this individual post, or even a multitude of such posts. However, for the thousand or so other readers out there who have not made up their minds, this post should help them to consider choosing, or at least listening to, a back horn before they might choose a reflex box or transmission line. They may still choose a reflex box or transmission line for WAF issues or for cost, if they can get a reflex box cheaply on E-bay from one who has upgraded to a backhorn, but they are doing so with the full knowledge of the tradeoffs in musicallity involved.



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