Two Tower initial impressions

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Posted by Shane [ ] on November 17, 2005 at 10:58:46:

Well, even though I won't be veneering the cabinets till spring probably (due to kids and Xmas, etc....)I'm impressed with the sound of my 2 Towers. They are sub-optimally placed in the corners of the room, toed in about 2 inches, 5 inches from the back wall, 10 inches from the sides that have full length curtains on them, about 10 feet apart, with the listening position around 12 feet out against the far wall. Initially they produced almost zero bass unless driven pretty hard. Now that I've got a little time on them the bass has come out more, but still seemed "thin". Then I started really paying attention to the CD's I was playing. Some had great bass, some none. Played them on my vintage Kenwood/Polk system and didn't notice it as much. I think the higher sensitivity of the Pi's is revealing that some of these recordings that I thought were good in actuality are not! That and the new NAD amp/cdp I got are much more neutral in processing the music. When you put the power to them they really stand out and shine. Also, the soundstage is very, very good. My wife walked in the other day and said "hey, the singer is right in the middle and the drums are right behind him with the guitar player right there and the bass right over there--that's so cool!" She is a complete audio non-afficianodo with a tin plated ear, which is saying something when she can pick out details. All in all I would definitely recommend the Towers for anyone who wants to give a try at building a first set of speakers.


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