Re: Two Tower initial impressions

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Posted by Shane [ ] on November 19, 2005 at 22:49:20:

In Reply to: Re: Two Tower initial impressions posted by Norbert on November 19, 2005 at 22:43:24:

Norbert, glad to hear it! I really can't wait to get mine completely finished, but it will definitely be spring before that happens. I think a lot of my problem may be due to the front baffle at this point and the new (read--different sounding to me)system I have. I did move the cabinets a little closer to the back wall today (from about 6" to 3")and the lower bass noticeably improved to the point I am well satisfied with it. I had to diddle with the amount of toe-in to bring the imaging back into alignment, but that is to be expected. You wouldn't think that moving them 3" would make that much difference, but it sure did!


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