Re: eminence beta12CX

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Posted by hurdy_gurdyman [ ] on January 16, 2006 at 23:24:46:

In Reply to: Re: eminence beta12CX posted by Norris Wilson on January 16, 2006 at 20:11:43:


>Is the main baffle board covered with some type of porous material to deal with defraction, like possibly cork?<

Not yet, but I plan on it. The back side is covered with eggcrate foam.

>Is the main baffle board made of the same material as the wings, pine? Or, is it made from some type of plywood or MDF?<

It's all MDF except the top and bottom, which are pine.

>The wings seem to be in a fixed position of around 35°. Is this position fixed where you get the best bass integration? Or, do you have to adjust them for different recorded materials, some with too much or too little bass information?<

I ended up gluing the wings in place for rigidity. I didn't listen to them in any other position. The angle was chosen for cosmetic reasons. I suspect that just using hinges to hold the wings may not be rigid enough.

>I see that you took a picture of both of your speakers from what looks to be your listening position.
Did you get a better integration with the speakers toed in to cross in front of you, pointed directly at you, or pointed slightly on each side of you and crossing behind?<

I listen a lot while being in other parts of the room besides the listening chair (like in front of the computer). I find toeing in a bit helps keep things balanced better when listening off-center.

>Does the inclusion of the wings and top shelf help in reducing the interferences from the rear wave and dipole effect? Or, are they mainly to increase the size of the baffle to increase the bass response?<

I didn't compare the sound with and without the top and bottom. I added them, in part, because the Hawthorne Audio Solo's have them, and because they look nice. Wings make the baffle bigger. Experiments with another baffle and driver previously showed them to deliver noticably deeper bass than the same baffle without them.
I also plan on adding padding and a wrap around grill cloth to make a more finished look.

>Do you get good bass, possibly 40Hz to 50Hz, with the drivers as high from the floor as you have them mounted?<

There is bass down to 31.5Hz at -3dB (I used 80dB pink noice as a level reference) then tested with warble tones. There is a new response graph on my Yahoo photos page. I find the bass extension is good enough for most music, but lacks a bit of weight below 50Hz. I'm using a Cerwin-Vega driven sub crossed aroud 50Hz and set just high enough to hear it to add that little extra weight. The graph is without the sub.

>Your speakers look to be about three to four feet from the back wall, is this where they have the best bass response, balanced sound?<

I suspect they'd sound better out in the room more, but I'd like to remain married, so they are staying where they are at. My wife wishes I'd put them against the wall.

>And finally, I see you have your TV set between your speakers.
Does this create any problems with imaging, or do you move them further out from the wall when playing music?<

The baffles are a few inches in front of the TV stuff, which should help. My wife and I enjoy movies a lot, so the TV has to stay there regardless of what it is doing to the soundstage. Back when I first moved into this house (21 years ago), I hooked up some speakers with nothing between them is this same spot for a couple of days. The soundstage was more open by a good sized margin than when I filled up the space with f TV and cabnets.



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