well, I took the plunge

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Posted by DanTheMan [ ] on January 20, 2006 at 17:12:25:

In Reply to: Re: eminence beta12CX posted by hurdy_gurdyman on January 18, 2006 at 10:56:32:

and bought one. I'm going to try to use it in a different application though. It's going into what I now use as my stereo/guitar aplifier. It's my practise amp and it has a CD/MD input on the front of it. All of the music I listen to comes from this thing since I moved to California and I'm just hoping that this will make it sound considerably better. I live in an apartment and left my tools and various relatives' houses in Ohio. I'll have to have someone build my cabinets. It should be interesting. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I have only a couple screw drivers and mechanics tools. Oh yes, I'm getting married soon so WAF will now enter my life. Thanks Hurdy-gurdy man, that website is sweet! Those are just the speakers I've been looking for.


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